Dale H. Easley

Dale H. Easley

Department of Natural and Applied Sciences
University of Dubuque
Dubuque IA 52001
Office: 563-589-3639
Fax: 563-589-3688
Email: DEasley@dbq.edu
Web site: http://daleeasley.com



University of Wyoming,
Laramie, WY, Ph.D, Geostatistics, 1989. Dissertation: Applications of Frequency-Domain Conditional Simulation to Geohydrology and Geophysics
University of Wyoming,
Laramie, WY, M.S., Geohydrology, 1987. Thesis: Groundwater Modelling Using Geostatistical Simulation
Guilford College,
Greensboro, NC, B.S. with Honors, Mathematics, 1982.

Work Experience

Professor, Department of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Dubuque.
Head, Department of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Dubuque.
Associate Professor, Department of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Dubuque.
Responsibilities include teaching physical and environmental geology, statistics, water resources, GIS, research on computer modelling of ground-water contamination, and community service.
Associate Professor of Geology and Geophysics, University of New Orleans.
Responsibilities include teaching ground-water and environmental statistics courses, research on computer modelling of ground-water contamination, and community service.
Brookhaven Hydrogeology Panel.
Responsibilities include directing investigation of contamination of ground water related to litigation at Brookhaven Oil Field, MS. Study includes evaluation of sources of contamination, planning and executing water sampling and analysis, geophysical surveys, mapping areas of contamination, and producing documents to be used in court.
Fulbright Fellowship to Qatar.
Responsibilities included teaching engineering geology and water resources, training in computer applications, and research on the environment.
Assistant Professor of Geology and Geophysics, University of New Orleans.
Graduate Assistant to Dr. Leon Borgman, Professor of Geology and Statistics, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.
Responsibilities included assisting on projects for the Environmental Protection Agency for studies of groundwater contamination. Responsibilities included Fortran programming of groundwater models and simulation programs, occasional classroom lectures, and program development for microcomputers.
Summer, 1987,1989
Computer modelling of groundwater contamination for the Environmental Research Center, Las Vegas, NV, including writing computer graphic and data processing programs.
Mathematics Instructor, Nyeri Baptist High School, Nyeri, Kenya.
Summer, 1981
Field Assistant to Dr. Charles Almy, Guilford College, Greensboro, NC, on a geophysics research project for increasing yield in water wells in the Guilford County region.

Publications and Presentations

  • Anthony Vorwald and Dale H Easley. 2024. Storytelling to Communicate Prairies. Iowa Prairie Network Winter Seminar. Ames, IA, Feb 24.
  • Dale H. Easley. 2024. A Different Christmas. In Ocooch Mountain Echo, Winter Issue, pp. 26--28.
  • Dale H. Easley. 2024. Dale Easley in the Wild West: Sabbatical Photography, Jan 5-31.
  • Dale H. Easley. 2023. A Meteorite? In Barstow and Grand, Issue 7, pp. 21-22.
  • Dale H. Easley. 2023. The Science of Being Human. An interview for the podcast Crossing Streams, 12 June.
  • Dale H. Easley. 2023. Cover Model, Phenology Calendar 2023. Hurstville Interpretive Center, Jackson County Conservation.
  • Dale H. Easley and Josh Chamberland. 2022. Communicating Science With Stories. Iowa Association of Naturalists Spring Workshop, Hurstville Interpretive Center, Maquoketa, Iowa, March 11th.
  • Dale H. Easley. 2021. E Pluribus Unum: All Shall Be Well. In Gallery 2020-21, eds. Zull H. and Pittman,J., Dubuque Area Writers Guild, vol. 42, pp. 15-17.
  • Dale H. Easley and Samuel (Zebarth) Taylor. 2021. Communicating Local Climate Data. Midwest Environmental Educator's Conference. July 27th.
  • Zebarth, Samuel K. and Dale H. Easley. 2021. Connecting Dubuque: Developing Software and Analyzing Local Climate Data. Mississippi River Research Consortium Annual Meeting, vol. 52, p. 54.
  • Holdt, Lyndy M. and Dale H. Easley. 2021. Analyzing Local Systematic Changes in Extreme Weather Events Due to Climate Change. Mississippi River Research Consortium Annual Meeting, vol. 52, p. 44.
  • Zebarth, Samuel K. and Dale H. Easley. 2020. Connecting Dubuque to Local Climate Data. Presentation to Twelfth Annual Illinois-Iowa American Chemical Society Undergraduate Research Conference. November 7th.
  • Easley, Dale H., Taiana Butler, Lyndy Holdt, and Sam Zebarth, 2020. No Denying It: We Need Data. Invited presentation to the Resilience Technical Leaders Focus Group, Dewberry Engineering Consultants, May 6th.
  • Easley, Dale H., 2020. < Walking Around K-Mart. In Contours, A Literary Landscape, Driftless Writing Center, pp. 230-235.
  • Easley, Dale H., 2019. Making Connections. PechaKucha, Dubuque, 24 Oct.
  • Easley, Dale H. and Amy Ressler, 2019. Understanding Isotopes and Climate Change Through Improvisation. Annual Conference of the Applied Improvisation Network, Stonybrook, NY, Aug 8-11.
  • Easley, Dale H. 2019. Just As I Am. In Gallery 2019, eds. Zull H. and Pittman,J., Dubuque Area Writers Guild, vol. 41, pp. 71-73.
  • Easley, Dale H. 2019. Dreams of Drowning. Big Muddy, 19 April.
  • Jones, Andrew, Matt Muilenburg, and Dale Easley, 2019. Faculty Writing Workshops: Creation, Engagement, and Kinship, North American Review Conference, 21 April.
  • Easley, Dale H.. 2019. Review of The Driftless Reader: Edited by Curt Meine and Keefe Keeley. Geographical Review. 109.4, pp. 630-631.
  • Easley, Dale H. 2018. Lopping Them Off. Folded Word, 19 Sept.
  • Easley, Dale H. 2018. Growing Up. Proceedings of the Wendt Conference on Character and Place, Dubuque IA, March 1-2.
  • Easley, Dale H. 2018. The Courage to Be Tender. Blueline, no. 39, pp. 77-82.
  • Easley, Dale H. 2018. Mom's Garden. DeadHousekeeping.com, March 13.
  • Easley, Dale H. 2017. To Be Known. Wapsipinicon Almanac, no. 24, pp. 28-32.
  • Easley, Dale H. 2017. Finding Saint Francis. An oral presentation at the Canticle of Creation Center Storytelling Concert, Franciscan Sisters of Dubuque, Iowa. Oct 7th.
  • Easley, Dale H. 2017. The Geology of Maquoketa Caves State Park. Presentation to Iowa Association of Naturalists. August 2nd.
  • Easley, Dale H. 2017. Rodeo Trauma. In Movement, eds. Zull H., and Werner G., Dubuque Area Writers Guild Gallery, vol. 39, pp. 21-23.
  • Easley, Dale H. 2017. An Invited Presentation on Mentoring. Environmental Services Division Leadership Conference, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, March 28.
  • Easley, Dale H. 2016. A Selection of Writings. Invited Presentation for the Language and Literature Department Reading Series, University of Dubuque, Oct 18th.
  • Easley, Dale H. 2016. The Story of the Earth. Earth Educators' Rendezvous, Madison WI, July 21st.
  • Easley, Dale H. 2016. Diamonds are a Guy's Best Friend. In Shapes, eds. Zull H., Phillips D, and Beatty G., Dubuque Area Writers Guild Gallery 2016, vol. 38, p. 5.
  • Easley, Dale H. 2016. Screaming Purses. In Shapes, eds. Zull H., Phillips D, and Beatty G., Dubuque Area Writers Guild Gallery 2016, vol. 38, pp. 6-8.
  • Easley, Dale H. 2016. Fundamentalism and Science. Invited presentation for the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Dubuque, Iowa, Feb 28th.
  • Easley, Dale H. and Jamies Sherry. 2015. Up from the Delta: Geology and Jazz. Invited presentation for MayDay Group Colloquium 27: Music Education as Social, Political, and Cultural Action, June 16.
  • Leytem, Kyle and Dale H. Easley. 2015. Concentrations in Sedimentation: Effects of Mining within Streams of the Dubuque Area. Mississippi River Research Consortium Annual Meeting, vol. 47, p. 57-58.
  • Leytem, Kyle and Dale H. Easley. 2015. Concentrations in Sedimentation: Effects of Mining within Streams of the Dubuque Area. Presentation at the Upper Midwest Stream Restoration Symposium, Dubuque IA, Feb 10th.
  • Easley. Dale H. 2014. Using Public Data for Jump-Starting Research. Invited presentation, Illinois State University, August 27.
  • Easley. Dale H. 2014. Statistical Analysis of Flooding of Streams near Dubuque, Iowa. Mississippi River Research Consortium Annual Meeting, vol. 46, p. 50-51.
  • Easley, Dale H., 2013. Undergraduate Research: Women in Science. Making Learning Visible Conference at Augustan College, April 6th.
  • Easley, Dale H., 2011. Telling Stories in Science: Igneous Rocks and My Dad's Heart Attack. Making Learning Visible Conference at Augustan College, April 30th.
  • Waters, Jeffrey P., Dale H. Easley, Scott E. Noakes, Shea Penland. 2009. Geochemistry of Surficial Sediments from Lake Pontchartrain Resulting from the 1997 Opening of the Bonnet Carré Spillway. Journal of Coastal Research: Special Issue 54, pp. 127-140.
  • Dorn, Brian R. and Dale H. Easley. 2009. Consolidation of Sand and its Relationship to the Dredging Community. Mississippi River Research Consortium Annual Meeting, vol 40., p.43.
  • deSilva, Oliver, Mariah Husheena, and Dale H. Easley. 2009. Water Quality in Backbone State Park, Iowa, and Possible Sources of Contamination. Mississippi River Research Consortium Annual Meeting, vol. 40, p. 42.
  • Easley, Dale H., Oliver deSilva and Maria Husheena. 2008. Determining Origins of Impaired Water Quality at Backbone State Park, Iowa. Conference of the American Water Resources Association, New Orleans, LA, Nov 17-20.
  • Easley, Dale. H. 2007. Why is Haiti Poor? Presentation at the Annual Conference of the American Water Resources Association, Albuquerque, N.M., Nov 12-15.
  • Moonen, C., J.J. White, G.L. Zuercher. D.H. Easley, and W. Bucholtz. 2007. A Geographic Information System for the Mines of Spain Recreation Area, Dubuque, IA. Mississippi River Research Consortium Annual Meeting, vol. 39, p. 14.
  • White, J.J., C. Moonen, G.L. Zuercher. D.H. Easley, and W. Bucholtz. 2007. White-Footed Mice (Peromyscus Leucopus) at Mines of Spain Recreation Area, Iowa. Mississippi River Research Consortium Annual Meeting, vol. 39, p. 14.
  • Lemke, L.D., T. Callahan, S. Custer, D. Easley, T. Eaton, K. Nichols, and L. Joseph, 2006. Got Data? So What! Hydrogeologic Interpretation Beyond Results. Geological Society of America, 2006 Philadelphia Annual Meeting, 174-10.
  • Easley, D.H., 2006. Review of Geostatistical Analysis of Compositional Data. Environmental Geology, vol. 49, p. 494.
  • Easley, D.H., 2006. Energy Supply and Consumption. Great Decisions Series, Dubuque, IA.
  • Easley, Dale. H., June, 2006. A Review of Applied Contaminant Transport Modeling. Journal of the American Water Resources Association.
  • Easley, D.H. 2005. Wandering. Maryknoll Regional Conference, New Orleans, LA.
  • Nasreen, Mosa Nahid and D.H. Easley, 2004. The Effect of Faults Upon Ground-Water Flow in the Baton Rouge Fault System, Louisiana. Accepted for GSA Annual Conference.
  • Spring, Chris and D.H. Easley, 2004. High Resolution Monitoring of Outflow from a River Diversion in a Louisiana Estuary. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 36, No. 5, p. 291.
  • Easley, D.H., Gaubert, A., Dausman, A., and Stoessell, R.K., 2003. Modeling of Salinity and Temperature Effects upon Ground Water in the Surficial Carbonate Aquifer, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. The Second International Conference on Saltwater Intrusion and Coastal Aquifers. Mérida, Yucatán, México.
  • Stoessell, R.K., J.G. Coke and D.H. Easley, 2002. Localized thermal anomalies in haloclines of coastal Yucatan. Ground Water, 40, 416-424.
  • Easley, D.H and R.L. Vaughn, October, 2002. Maintenance: A Challenge to Supplying Water in the Developing World. GSA Abstracts with Programs, 34:6.
  • Vaughan, W.C., D.H. Easley, and D.L. Lavoie, 2002. Averaging Pore Statistics of 2-D Images for Predicting Permeability. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 128:11, pp. 1002-1007.
  • Stoessell, R.K., J.G. Coke, and D.H. Easley, 2002. Localized Thermal Anomalies in Haloclines of Coastal Yucatan. Ground Water, 40, pp. 416-424.
  • John R. and D.H. Easley, Jul 23-26, 2002. A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Inverse Techniques Used in Hydrogelogy. Integrated Transboundary Water Management Conference, Traverse City, Michigan, oral presentation with abstract.
  • John R. and D.H. Easley, June 17-20, 2002. Two Case Studies: An Attempt to Study the State of the Art of Inverse Modelling. ModelCare 2002, Prague, The Czech Republic, poster with abstract.
  • John, R., M. Kulp, and D.H. Easley, April 25th, 2002. Louisiana Coastline Restoration Efforts: The Search for Sand. GSA Joint Annual Meeting, poster with abstract.
  • Easley, D.H., March 7-10, 2002. Sustainable Development in Fondwa, Haiti. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, poster with abstract.
  • Maclean, J., Y. Furukawa, D. Lavoie, C. Brunner, and D. Easley, February 11-15, 2002. A Record of Water Column Dysoxia in Shelf Waters of the Mississippi Prodelta Over the Past 100 Years. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, poster with abstract.
  • Stoessell, R.K., D.H. Easley, and G.H. Yamazaki, 2001. Denitrification and Phosphate Removal in Experiments Using Al Stearate. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, 21:2, pp. 89-96.
  • Stoessell, R K. and D.H. Easley, Nov. 9-18, 2000. A Thermal Spike Within the Halocline of Coastal Yucatan Sinkholes: Evidence for the Return Arm of a Seawater Convection Cycle. 112th Geological Society of America Annual Meeting at Reno Nevada, abstract with programs, A355.
  • Easley, D.H., Dec 13-15, 2000. Why Do Rural Water Projects So Often Fail? NGWA Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, oral presentation with abstract.
  • Lavoie, D.L., W.C. Vaughan, and D.H. Easley, Dec 20-22, 2000. Quantitative Effects of Bioturbation on Permeability Determined Using a Whole-Tank Permeameter. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, poster with abstract.
  • Dausman, A., D.H. Easley, and R.K. Stoessell, November 6-9, 2000. Ground Water Model of the Northeastern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. American Water Resources Association Technical Publication Series TPS, 2000, Vol. 2000-3, pp. 87-90.
  • Waters, J., D.H. Easley, A. Falster, S. Penland, and J.L. Kindinger, May, 2000. Geochemical and Mineralogical Variability in Lake Pontchartrain Surficial Sediments Resulting from the 1997 Bonnet Carre Spillway Opening. Basics of the Basins Symposium, New Orleans, oral presentation with abstract.
  • Stoessell, R.K., G.P. Yamazaki, and D.H. Easley, May, 2000. Denitrification and Phosphate Removal From Oxidized Home Septic-Tank Effluent, Basics of the Basins Symposium, New Orleans, oral presentation with abstract.
  • Collins, W.H. and D.H. Easley, 1999. Fresh-Water Lens Formation in an Unconfined Barrier-Island Aquifer. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 35:1, pp. 1-21.
  • Easley, D.H., 1999. A Review of Diffusion in Natural Porous Media: Contaminant Transport, Sorption/Desorption and Dissolution Kinetics, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 35:2, pp. 472-472.
  • Yamazaki, Gordon P.; Stoessel, Ronald K.; Easley, Dale H. American Water Resources Association Technical Publication Series TPS, 1998, Issue 98-3, pp. 143.
  • D.H. Easley, November, 1996. Simple Methods for Improving Drinking-Water Supplies in Haiti. Hydrology in the Humid Tropic Environment, Kingston, Jamaica, poster with abstract.
  • Al-Hajri., K., A. El-Bahrawy, and D. Easley, 1996. A teaching tool for pumping test analysis in Computer methods and water resources III, Abousleiman Y., C.A. Brebbia, A.H.D. Cheng and D. Ouazar, editors. International Conference on Computer Methods and Water Resources, pp. 399-409.
  • D.H. Easley. Qatar: Oil, Water, and People. Abstracts with Programs-Geological Society of America, 1995, Vol. 27, Issue 6, pp. 234.
  • Johnson, Thomas L. and D.H. Easley. Annual Meeting Abstracts- American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 1994, pp. 182.
  • Easley, D.H., 1994. Aquifers I've Lived Above. Department of Geology Lecture Series, University of Qatar.
  • Easley, D.H., 1994. Using Presentation-Graphics Software. Department of Civil Engineering Lecture Series, University of Qatar.
  • Easley, D.H, 1993. Reply to Zekai Sen's Comments. Mathematical Geology, 25:2, pp. 245-247.
  • Moore, Y.K., R.K. Stoessell, and D.H. Easley, 1993. Reply to the Preceding Discussion by Stephen R.H. Worthington of "Fresh-Water/Sea-Water Relationship Within a Ground-Water Flow System, Northeastern Coast of the Yucatan Peninsula." Ground Water, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 321-322.
  • Moore, Y.K., R.K. Stoessell, and D.H. Easley, 1992. Fresh-Water/Sea-Water Relationship Within a Ground-Water Flow System, Northeastern Coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Ground Water, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 343-350.
  • Easley, D.H., July, 1992,1993, 1994 and 1996. Ground Water and Contamination, A series of lectures on science teaching and the environment. Louisiana Strategic Initiative Program.
  • Easley, D.H., April, 1993. Introduction to Ground-Water Hydrology. Aa short course for the national convention of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
  • J.J. Kersting and D.H. Easley, April 1993. Variations in Calculated Hydraulic Conductivities. Annual Meeting Abstracts- American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, April 1993, pp. 128.
  • Easley, D.H, August, 1992. Overview of Conditional Simulation for Environmental Applications. American Statistical Association National Conference, invited presentation.
  • Easley, D.H., L.E. Borgman, and D.H. Weber, 1991. Monitor Well Placement Using Conditionally Simulated Hydraulic Head. Mathematical Geology, 23:8, pp. 1059-1080.
  • Weber, D.H., D.H. Easley, and Evan Englund, 1991. Probability of Plume Interception Using Conditional Simulation of Hydraulic Head And Inverse Modeling. Mathematical Geology, 23:2, pp. 219-239.
  • Easley, D.H., January, 1991. Conditional Simulation for Monitoring Well Placement. American Statistical Association Conference on Environmental Statistics, oral presentation with abstract.
  • Easley, D.H., May, 1990. Groundwater Contamination: Endangering Our Drinking Water. University of New Orleans Environmental Forum.
  • Easley, D.H., L.E. Borgman, and P.N. Shive, 1990. Geostatistical Simulation for Geophysical Applications, Part I: Simulation. Geophysics, 55:11, pp. 1435-1440.
  • Shive, P.N., T.R. Lowry, D.H. Easley, and L.E. Borgman, 1990. Geostatistical Simulation for Geophysical Applications, Part II: Geophysical Modelling. Geophysics, 55:11, pp. 1441-1446.
  • Easley, D.H. and Y.K. Tung, 1988. Evaluation of Overflow Probabilities in Runoff-Detention Basin Design. Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, 2:3, pp. 239-244.
  • Awards

  • Sigma Tau Delta, the English Honor Society, 2017. Inducted into the University of Dubuque Chapter.
  • John Knox Coit Award for Teaching and Advising, 2011. University of Dubuque.
  • Citation for Service to the Haitian Community of New Orleans, 2000, Marantha Baptist Church Youth.
  • Fulbright Fellowship, 1994-1995, Lecturer/Researcher, University of Qatar.
  • National Ground Water Association / American Petroleum Institute Award for graduate student Will Howell for his thesis proposal, 1995.
  • National Ground Water Association Awards for graduate students Bill Collins and Bill Ballard for their thesis proposals, 1994.
  • American Association of Petroleum Geologists Awards for graduate students Bill Collins and Lucie Kuhn for their thesis proposals, 1994.
  • Outstanding Teacher, Department of Geology and Geophysics, 1992

    Professional and Community Service

  • Editorial Board Member, Environmental Earth Sciences.
  • Undergraduate Coordinator, Department of Geology and Geophysics, UNO.
  • Organizing Committee, Peace and Justice Minor, UNO.
  • Organizing Committee, Writing Intensive Courses, UNO.
  • Editor, Annual Alumni Newsletter, Department of Geology and Geophysics, UNO.
  • Advisor, UNOGGS, the student geology club of the Department of Geology and Geophysics, UNO.
  • Honors Committee, UNO.
  • Volunteer Science Teacher: Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Center, Adult Education Program.
  • Instructor: Lousiana Strategic Initiatives Program for Secondary Environmental Education.
  • Reviewer for Mathematical Geology, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, Environmental Geology, and the National Science Foundation.
  • Steering Committee: Lake Pontchartrain Basin Symposium, May 1992.
  • Steering Committee: creation of Technical Division of Louisiana Ground Water Association for water-quality professionals.
  • Technical Program Chairman, EMD Division: 1993 AAPG National Conference.
  • Writer: "Environmental News," a column for the New Orleans Geological Society's LOG.
  • Organizer: course on environmental regulations, cosponsored by the UNO Department of Geology and Geophysics, the New Orleans Geological Society, and the AAPG Division of Environmental Geosciences, November, 1992.
  • Reviewer of environmental software, U.S. E.P.A., EMSL-LV, Las Vegas, NV.

    Professional Memberships

  • America Water Resources Association
  • International Association of Mathematical Geologists
  • National Ground Water Association
  • New Orleans Geological Society
  • Society for Applied Anthropology
  • Institute for Religion in an Age of Science
  • Thesis Advising

  • Nasreen, Mosa Nahid. The effect of faults upon ground water flow in the Baton Rouge Fault System. 2003.
  • Maclean, Jennifer Lynne. A record of bottom water oxygen in shelf waters east of the Mississippi River Delta over the past 100 years based on benthic foraminifers and framboidal pyrite size distributions. 2002.
  • John, Rahul. A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Inverse Techniques Used in Hydrogelogy. 2002.
  • Gaubert, Angela. The Effect of Temperature Upon Salt-Water Movement Beneath Fresh Water in a Coastal Aquifer. 2002.
  • Soteres, Alyssa Dausman. Groundwater Model of Fresh-Water/Salt-Water Lens in the Northeastern Yucatan Peninsula. 2000.
  • Vaughan, William Chadwick. A Quantitative Prediction of Permeability in Fine-Grained Estuarine Sediments as a Function of Bioturbation. 1999.
  • Burnett, Robert. Characterization of a Fractured Basalt Aquifer for Remediation Using Air Sparging and Soil Vapor Extraction, American Falls, Idaho. 1997.
  • Hymel, Gerald. Assessment of Contamination Risk from a Wood-Treatment Facility, Jena, Louisiana. 1997.
  • Khandrika, Jitendra Babu. Modelling of Groundwater Flow in the Pine Island Barrier Trend Beneath the University of New Orleans. 1996.
  • Ellis, Doug. Statistical Analysis of the Hydraulic Interrelation of the Yazoo, Tallahatchie and Coldwater Rivers with the Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer, Yazoo Basin, Northwestern Mississippi. 1995.
  • Kerschbaum, Steve. Simulation of Pumping Scenarios Using Numerical Flow Modeling with Particle Tracking to Optimize Water Quality at Minden, Louisiana. 1995.
  • Collins, Bill. Fresh-Water Lens Formation in an Unconfined Barrier-Island Aquifer, Grand Isle, Louisiana. 1995.
  • Gibson, Beth. Optimization of Municipal Water Supply Systems Using the Genetic Algorithm. 1994.
  • Ballard, Bill. The Development of Methods for Calculating Transmissivity From Specific Capacity Within the Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer In Northeastern Louisiana. 1994.
  • Brady, Helen. The Effects of River Stage, Rain and Tides on Groundwater Flow at BP's Alliance Refinery. 1994.
  • Johnson, Tom. Stratigraphy and Pumping Test Analysis at a Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana. 1994.
  • Turbeville, John. Modelling of 1,2 Dichloroethane Migration in a Near-Surface Aquifer System in South Louisiana. 1994.
  • Johanson, Mary. Delineation of Time-Related Capture Zones With Estimates of Uncertainty Using Conditional Simulation of Hydraulic Conductivity and Numerical Modeling. 1992.
  • Herbert, Rob. Geostatistical Analysis of Percent-Sand Data to Estimate Vertical Permeability for a Deep-Well Injection Confining Zone. 1991.
  • Moore, Yolanda. Ground-Water Flow Along the Northeastern Coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. 1991.